You are researching: Neurons
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AUTHOR Li, Jianfeng and Hashemi, Payam and Liu, Tianyi and Dang, Ka My and Brunk, Michael G. K. and Mu, Xin and Nia, Ali Shaygan and Sacher, Wesley D. and Feng, Xinliang and Poon, Joyce K. S.
Title 3D printed titanium carbide MXene-coated polycaprolactone scaffolds for guided neuronal growth and photothermal stimulation [Abstract]
Year 2024
Journal/Proceedings Communications Materials
Reftype Li2024
The exploration of neural circuitry is paramount for comprehending the computational mechanisms and physiology of the brain. Despite significant advances in materials and fabrication techniques, controlling neuronal connectivity and response in 3D remains a formidable challenge. Here, we introduce a method for engineering the growth of 3D neural circuits with the capability for optical stimulation. We fabricate bioactive interfaces by melt electrospinning writing (MEW) 3D polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffolds followed by coating with titanium carbide (Ti3C2Tx MXene). Beyond enhancing hydrophilicity, cell adhesion, and electrical conductivity, the Ti3C2Tx MXene coating enables optocapacitance-based neuronal stimulation, induced by localized temperature increases upon illumination. This approach offers a pathway for additive manufacturing of neural tissues endowed with optical control, facilitating functional tissue engineering and neural circuit computation.
AUTHOR Ribezzi, Davide and Gueye, Marième and Florczak, Sammy and Dusi, Franziska and de Vos, Dieuwke and Manente, Francesca and Hierholzer, Andreas and Fussenegger, Martin and Caiazzo, Massimiliano and Blunk, Torsten and Malda, Jos and Levato, Riccardo
Title Shaping Synthetic Multicellular and Complex Multimaterial Tissues via Embedded Extrusion-Volumetric Printing of Microgels [Abstract]
Year 2023
Journal/Proceedings Advanced Materials
Abstract In living tissues, cells express their functions following complex signals from their surrounding microenvironment. Capturing both hierarchical architectures at the micro- and macroscale, and anisotropic cell patterning remains a major challenge in bioprinting, and a bottleneck towards creating physiologically-relevant models. Addressing this limitation, we introduced a novel technique, termed Embedded Extrusion-Volumetric Printing (EmVP), converging extrusion-bioprinting and layer-less, ultra-fast volumetric bioprinting, allowing to spatially pattern multiple inks/cell types. Light-responsive microgels were developed for the first time as bioresins (μResins) for light-based volumetric bioprinting, providing a microporous environment permissive for cell homing and self-organization. Tuning the mechanical and optical properties of gelatin-based microparticles enables their use as support bath for suspended extrusion printing, in which features containing high cell densities can be easily introduced. μResins can be sculpted within seconds with tomographic light projections into centimetre-scale, granular hydrogel-based, convoluted constructs. Interstitial microvoids enhanced differentiation of multiple stem/progenitor cells (vascular, mesenchymal, neural), otherwise not possible with conventional bulk hydrogels. As proof-of-concept, EmVP was applied to create complex synthetic biology-inspired intercellular communication models, where adipocyte differentiation is regulated by optogenetic-engineered pancreatic cells. Overall, EmVP offers new avenues for producing regenerative grafts with biological functionality, and for developing engineered living systems and (metabolic) disease models. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
AUTHOR Azim, N. and Hart, C. and Sommerhage, F. and Aubin, M. and Hickman, J. J. and Rajaraman, S.
Title Precision Plating of Human Electrogenic Cells on Microelectrodes Enhanced With Precision Electrodeposited Nano-Porous Platinum for Cell-Based Biosensing Applications [Abstract]
Year 2019
Journal/Proceedings Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems
Microelectrode Arrays are established platforms for biosensing applications; however, limitations in electrode impedance and cell-electrode coupling still exist. In this paper, the SNR of 25 μm diameter gold (Au) microelectrodes was improved by decreasing the impedance with precision electrodeposition. SEM determined that N-P Pt. microelectrodes had nanoporous structures that filled the insulation cylinders. EIS, CV, and RMS noise measurements concluded that the optimized electrodeposition of N-P Pt. led to a lowered impedance of 18.36 kΩ ± 2.6 kΩ at 1 kHz, a larger double layer capacitance of 73 nF, and lowered RMS noise of 2.08±0.16 μV as compared to the values for Au of 159 kΩ ± 28 kΩ at 1 kHz, 17nF, and 3.14 ± 0.42 μV, respectively. Human motoneurons and human cardiomyocytes were cultured on N-P Pt. devices to assess their biocompatibility and signal quality. In order to improve the cell-electrode coupling, a precision plating technique was used. Both cell types were electrically active on devices for up to 10 weeks, demonstrated improved SNR, and expected responses to precision chemical and electrical stimulation. The modification of Au microelectrodes with nanomaterials in combination with precision culturing of human cell types provides cost effective, highly sensitive, well coupled and relevant biosensing platforms for medical and pharmaceutical research.
AUTHOR Li, Jianfeng and Hietel, Benjamin and Brunk, Michael G. K. and Reimers, Armin and Willems, Christian and Groth, Thomas and Cynis, Holger and Adelung, Rainer and Schütt, Fabian and Sacher, Wesley D. and Poon, Joyce K. S.
Title 3D-printed microstructured alginate scaffolds for neural tissue engineering [Abstract]
Year 2024
Journal/Proceedings Trends in Biotechnology
Tetrapod-shaped ZnO (t-ZnO) microparticles create interconnected channels and textured surfaces in 3D-printed microstructured alginate (M-Alg) scaffolds.Primary mouse cortical neurons cultured on the M-Alg scaffolds demonstrate enhanced adhesion and maturation, with formation of extensive 3D neural projections, indicating the potential of this scaffold design for advanced neural tissue engineering applications.
AUTHOR Mungenast, Lena and Nieminen, Ronya and Gaiser, Carine and Faia-Torres, Ana Bela and Rühe, Jürgen and Suter-Dick, Laura
Title Electrospun decellularized extracellular matrix scaffolds promote the regeneration of injured neurons [Abstract]
Year 2023
Journal/Proceedings Biomaterials and Biosystems
Traumatic injury to the spinal cord (SCI) causes the transection of neurons, formation of a lesion cavity, and remodeling of the microenvironment by excessive extracellular matrix (ECM) deposition and scar formation leading to a regeneration-prohibiting environment. Electrospun fiber scaffolds have been shown to simulate the ECM and increase neural alignment and neurite outgrowth contributing to a growth-permissive matrix. In this work, electrospun ECM-like fibers providing biochemical and topological cues are implemented into a scaffold to represent an oriented biomaterial suitable for the alignment and migration of neural cells in order to improve spinal cord regeneration. The successfully decellularized spinal cord ECM (dECM), with no visible cell nuclei and dsDNA content < 50 ng/mg tissue, showed preserved ECM components, such as glycosaminoglycans and collagens. Serving as the biomaterial for 3D printer-assisted electrospinning, highly aligned and randomly distributed dECM fiber scaffolds (< 1 µm fiber diameter) were fabricated. The scaffolds were cytocompatible and supported the viability of a human neural cell line (SH-SY5Y) for 14 days. Cells were selectively differentiated into neurons, as confirmed by immunolabeling of specific cell markers (ChAT, Tubulin ß), and followed the orientation given by the dECM scaffolds. After generating a lesion site on the cell-scaffold model, cell migration was observed and compared to reference poly-ε-caprolactone fiber scaffolds. The aligned dECM fiber scaffold promoted the fastest and most efficient lesion closure, indicating superior cell guiding capabilities of dECM-based scaffolds. The strategy of combining decellularized tissues with controlled deposition of fibers to optimize biochemical and topographical cues opens the way for clinically relevant central nervous system scaffolding solutions.
AUTHOR Oliveira, Hugo and Médina, Chantal and Stachowicz, Marie-Laure and Paiva dos Santos, Bruno and Chagot, Lise and Dusserre, Nathalie and Fricain, Jean-Christophe
Title Extracellular matrix (ECM)-derived bioinks designed to foster vasculogenesis and neurite outgrowth: Characterization and bioprinting [Abstract]
Year 2021
Journal/Proceedings Bioprinting
The field of bioprinting has shown a tremendous development in recent years, focusing on the development of advanced in vitro models and on regeneration approaches. In this scope, the lack of suitable biomaterials that can be efficiently formulated as printable bioinks, while supporting specific cellular events, is currently considered as one of the main limitations in the field. Indeed, extracellular matrix (ECM)-derived biomaterials formulated to enable printability and support cellular response, for instance via integrin binding, are eagerly awaited in the field of bioprinting. Several bioactive laminin sequences, including peptides such as YIGSR and IKVAV, have been identified to promote endothelial cell attachment and/or neurite outgrowth and guidance, respectively. Here, we show the development of two distinct bioinks, designed to foster vasculogenesis or neurogenesis, based on methacrylated collagen and hyaluronic acid (CollMA and HAMA, respectively), both relevant ECM-derived polymers, and on their combination with cysteine-flanked laminin-derived peptides. Using this strategy, it was possible to optimize the bioink printability, by tuning CollMA and HAMA concentration and ratio, and modulate their bioactivity, through adjustments in the cell-active peptide sequence spatial density, without compromising cell viability. We demonstrated that cell-specific bioinks could be customized for the bioprinting of both human umbilical vein cord endothelial cells (HUVECs) or adult rat sensory neurons from the dorsal root ganglia, and could stimulate both vasculogenesis and neurite outgrowth, respectively. This approach holds great potential as it can be tailored to other cellular models, due to its inherent capacity to accommodate different peptide compositions and to generate complex peptide mixtures and/or gradients.
AUTHOR Huang, Yun-An and Ho, Chris T. and Lin, Yu-Hsuan and Lee, Chen-Ju and Ho, Szu-Mo and Li, Ming-Chia and Hwang, Eric
Title Nanoimprinted Anisotropic Topography Preferentially Guides Axons and Enhances Nerve Regeneration [Abstract]
Year 2018
Journal/Proceedings Macromolecular Bioscience
Abstract Surface topography has a profound effect on the development of the nervous system, such as neuronal differentiation and morphogenesis. While the interaction of neurons and the surface topography of their local environment is well characterized, the neuron–topography interaction during the regeneration process remains largely unknown. To address this question, an anisotropic surface topography resembling linear grooves made from poly(ethylene-vinyl acetate) (EVA), a soft and biocompatible polymer, using nanoimprinting, is established. It is found that neurons from both the central and peripheral nervous system can survive and grow on this grooved surface. Additionally, it is observed that axons but not dendrites specifically align with these grooves. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that neurons on the grooved surface are capable of regeneration after an on-site injury. More importantly, these injured neurons have an accelerated and enhanced regeneration. Together, the data demonstrate that this anisotropic topography guides axon growth and improves axon regeneration. This opens up the possibility to study the effect of surface topography on regenerating axons and has the potential to be developed into a medical device for treating peripheral nerve injuries.