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AUTHOR Aizarna-Lopetegui, Uxue and García-Astrain, Clara and Renero-Lecuna, Carlos and González-Callejo, Patricia and Villaluenga, Irune and del Pozo, Miguel A. and Sánchez-Álvarez, Miguel and Henriksen-Lacey, Malou and Jimenez de Aberasturi, Dorleta
Title Remodeling arteries: studying the mechanical properties of 3D-bioprinted hybrid photoresponsive materials [Abstract]
Year 2023
Journal/Proceedings J. Mater. Chem. B
3D-printed cell models are currently in the spotlight of medical research. Whilst significant advances have been made{,} there are still aspects that require attention to achieve more realistic models which faithfully represent the in vivo environment. In this work we describe the production of an artery model with cyclic expansive properties{,} capable of mimicking the different physical forces and stress factors that cells experience in physiological conditions. The artery wall components are reproduced using 3D printing of thermoresponsive polymers with inorganic nanoparticles (NPs) representing the outer tunica adventitia{,} smooth muscle cells embedded in extracellular matrix representing the tunica media{,} and finally a monolayer of endothelial cells as the tunica intima. Cyclic expansion can be induced thanks to the inclusion of photo-responsive plasmonic NPs embedded within the thermoresponsive ink composition{,} resulting in changes in the thermoresponsive polymer hydration state and hence volume{,} in a stimulated on–off manner. By changing the thermoresponsive polymer composition{,} the transition temperature and pulsatility can be efficiently tuned. We show the direct effect of cyclic expansion and contraction on the overlying cell layers by analyzing transcriptional changes in mechanoresponsive mesenchymal genes associated with such microenvironmental physical cues. The technique described herein involving stimuli-responsive 3D printed tissue constructs{,} also described as four- dimensional (4D) printing{,} offers a novel approach for the production of dynamic biomodels.
AUTHOR Wang, Chenmin and Honiball, John Robert and Lin, Junyu and Xia, Xingyu and Lau, Dzi Shing Aaron and Chen, Bo and Deng, Lianfu and Lu, William Weijia
Title Infiltration from Suspension Systems Enables Effective Modulation of 3D Scaffold Properties in Suspension Bioprinting [Abstract]
Year 2022
Journal/Proceedings ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces
Bioprinting is a biofabrication technology which allows efficient and large-scale manufacture of 3D cell culture systems. However, the available biomaterials for bioinks used in bioprinting are limited by their printability and biological functionality. Fabricated constructs are often homogeneous and have limited complexity in terms of current 3D cell culture systems comprising multiple cell types. Inspired by the phenomenon that hydrogels can exchange liquids under the infiltration action, infiltration-induced suspension bioprinting (IISBP), a novel printing technique based on a hyaluronic acid (HA) suspension system to modulate the properties of the printed scaffolds by infiltration action, was described in this study. HA served as a suspension system due to its shear-thinning and self-healing rheological properties, simplicity of preparation, reusability, and ease of adjustment to osmotic pressure. Changes in osmotic pressure were able to direct the swelling or shrinkage of 3D printed gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA)-based bioinks, enabling the regulation of physical properties such as fiber diameter, micromorphology, mechanical strength, and water absorption of 3D printed scaffolds. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were applied as a cell culture model and printed within cell-laden scaffolds at high resolution and cell viability with the IISBP technique. Herein, the IISBP technique had been realized as a reliable hydrogel-based bioprinting technique, which enabled facile modulation of 3D printed hydrogel scaffolds properties, being expected to meet the scaffolds requirements of a wide range of cell culture conditions to be utilized in bioprinting applications.
AUTHOR Abbasi, Akram and Imaichi, Sachiko and Ling, Vincent and Shukla, Anita
Title Mesenchymal Stem Cell Behavior on Soft Hydrogels with Aligned Surface Topographies [Abstract]
Year 2022
Journal/Proceedings ACS Appl. Bio Mater.
Human mesenchymal stem cells (HMSCs) are important for cell-based therapies. However, the success of HMSC therapy requires large-scale in vitro expansion of these multipotent cells. The traditional expansion of HMSCs on tissue-culture-treated stiff polystyrene induces significant changes in their shape, multipotency, and secretome, leading to early senescence and subdued paracrine activity. To enhance their therapeutic potential, here, we have developed two-dimensional soft hydrogels with imprinted microscale aligned grooves for use as HMSC culture substrates. We showed that, depending on the dimensions of the topographical features, these substrates led to lower cellular spreading and cytoskeletal tension, maintaining multipotency and osteogenic and adipogenic differentiate potential, while lowering cellular senescence. We also observed a greater capacity of HMSCs to produce anti-inflammatory cytokines after short-term priming on these hydrogel substrates. Overall, these soft hydrogels with unique surface topography have shown great promise as in vitro culture substrates to maximize the therapeutic potential of HMSCs.